It is evident in the media that there is a certain appearance and behavior associated with certain types of characters. In a medium that does not have the luxury of time (anywhere from a 10 second commercial spot to a 2 hour feature film), the contributors of our media do not have time for character building. They have a message or story they want to portray and they need to make it as easy on their audience s possible.- to create a 'comfortable fiction'. Using a stereotype for characters can be an easy way to get an idea across, however, can lead to negative results. In line with mass media theories, Media Influence discusses the ways in which the media effects our perception of the world around us and eachother. To attribute certain physical characteristics to specific types of characters can, and evidently already does, cause a prejudice of people in our minds and alters how we perceive others and ourselves.
Even though I feel I am a little off topic here (sorry guys) just wanted to comment on it.
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